É um bocado longo..esta em Inglês..mas acho que vale a pena darem uma vista de olhos..é tudo coisas que já sabemos mas.. nunca me canso de vos abrir os olhos :)
“If you're one of those guys still lounging around and waiting for life to happen, consider this: By 35, many of the world's great men weren't just working on groundbreaking masterpieces, they'd finished them. Christopher Marlowe had inspired Shakespeare, and died, by the time he was 29; F. Scott Fitzgerald had written The Great Gatsby by 29; and Orson Welles wrote, directed and starred in what's often considered the greatest film ever made at the doe-eyed age of 25.
In Welles' day, most of us would have been married with kids by our mid-20s. Popular culture wants to convince us that we can remain young indefinitely (usually through buying things), but 30 is not the new 20 -- 30 is 30. If you aren't well on your way to what you really want to do with your life, you need to startyesterday. It's not going to be OK unless you get off your ass and start doing something -- now.
You are not going to stumble into your dream job
Your current job -- what you're doing right now -- is your career and your identity. Does that thought satisfy you? If you took your current title and slapped it on a business card, would you be happy handing that thing out to hot girls, aware that they'd think that's what you are as a person?
Careers take work. Dreams take even more. Malcolm Gladwell (a Canadian journalist) suggests that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master something, and that "genius" is as much effort as it is talent. Mozart wasn't some god-child; he was just a kid who practiced his ass off until music was his language. The same thing applies to your future -- you can't expect to succeed if you're just yawning your way through life with vague, distant dreams. It's not going to be OK if that's your approach.
Make it OK: Get to work at maximizing each day and becoming the dude you envision yourself to be now. You're never going to get to where you want to be if you're treating your goals like a halfhearted hobby.
Your dream girl will not just roll up and find you
Romantic comedies hinge on two people just wandering into a meaningful relationship. Sitcoms tell us we'll be right down the hall from gorgeous chicks who will love us for our quirkiness.
These are fiction. These situations do not just happen, and it's not going to be OK if you think they do. Most guys do get married, but a lot of them wind up on the business end of a shotgun wedding because somebody got pregnant. If you're leaving your love life up to chance, hoping for destiny to settle things, you're delusional. You can either put real effort into meeting someone you'll be thrilledwith, or you can flounder between crappy relationships until you're suddenly the only unmarried guy you know.
Make it OK: Meet people, preferably by going someplace where women are, someplace you actually enjoy. Don't go to yoga for the chicks if you hate yoga -- start with being genuine and confident, and work from there.
You're not going to get rich overnight
Outside of winning the lottery (odds: slightly less than being hit by lightning) or just being rich to begin with, wealthy guys have money because they invested or saved. Wealth won't just fall into your lap, and you won't just automatically make more money in the future as a matter of course.According to the 2009 Great Male Survey, 78% of you would only really feel comfortable retiring on a $1 million nest egg. The most important thing is that you don't see the word "retiring" and assume we're talking to some old guy -- this is what you should be doing.
Make it OK: If you save $4,000 a year at 7%, you'll wind up with more than twice as much cash at retirement age if you start by 30 instead of 40. So start. Set up an automatic savings plan. Seek out, and care about, financial advice.
Your health doesn't come with a guarantee
Your body and your brain pretty much quit improving somewhere around age 20. Every year after that, it gets harder to even stay the same, much less to make radical, positive changes. And it's only going to get harder tomorrow for you to run a mile or bike up a hill than it already is today. Work on the stuff you actually canfix, before you're saddled with the inevitable stuff (i.e., thinning hair and a slowing metabolism).
Make it OK: Find a gym, or get back to one. Go to your doctor, and your dentist. Quit drinking like you're 21. Your body remembers your excesses, and will punish you for them.”
tem um bocadinho aquele tom de livro de auto-ajuda que eu detesto..mas vale pelo conteúdo.
li só na diagonal e deprimi... e eu ainda "só" estou nos 25!... T_T
ResponderEliminarA maioria das pessoas caminha pela vida adormecida, num estado meio letárgico. Se calhar até um bocado divorciadas de si próprias, um bocado desordenadas. É uma evidência que se vai percebendo, não é nada de extraordinário.
ResponderEliminarCom mais ou menos tom de auto-ajuda, encontraste um despertador interessante. ;-)
Bem, é sem dúvida uma boa wake-up call.
ResponderEliminarSomos constantemente invadidos por ideias/conceitos que nos levam a falsas esperanças em todos os aspectos da nossa vida.
A ideia de que tudo acaba bem é tão apelativa quanto enganadora...